Stage Three – Firefighter Physical Aptitude Job – Related Tests (FPAT)
The Firefighter Physical Aptitude Job-Related Tests (FPAT) are comprised of six job-related tests that evaluate an individual’s ability to complete the essential physical demands of structural firefighting. The tests are performed sequentially and timed independently.
These tests are not designed to evaluate technical competency, so you will partake in a mandatory familiarization session immediately prior to your assessment. The familiarization session consists of a “walk-through” to practice each of the tests. This will familiarize you with testing procedures and provides a suitable warm-up for the tests that follow. The familiarization session is standardized and must be completed according to the instructions of the testing staff.
It is important to note that if you are unsuccessful at the FPAT, it is because you cannot complete the test safely and at an acceptable pace, NOT because you are unfamiliar with the expected task.
The tests are performed in full personal protective equipment (PPE) that weighs approximately 23kg (51lb), depending on size. This ensemble includes: helmet, flash-hood, leather work gloves, coveralls, pants, boots, jacket, a safety harness and a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). You must carry the SCBA but are not on air.
Cost: $212.00 plus HST
Pre-Assessment Guide: Download
Please Note: It is the responsibility of the candidate to communicate with the evaluator regarding fit of all PPE. You must advise the evaluator of any concerns with your PPE or any other equipment related to your assessment prior to the commencement of your assessment. Candidates are NOT permitted to use their own PPE for this assessment with the exception of gloves. Candidates may bring their own gloves provided they meet the criteria as outlined here.
Each of the six FPAT tests is followed by a rest period of exactly three minutes for recovery and, if necessary a small drink of water. You are not permitted to leave the testing area or remove the PPE during the rest periods.
In order to achieve a pass, all six tests must be completed safely, correctly, and in the prescribed amount of time. If you fail one test, testing will cease immediately and you will be issued a fail for the entire assessment. When you successfully complete the Firefighter Physical Aptitude Job-Related Tests you are issued one certificate valid for 12 months.
The Firefighter Physical Aptitude Job-Related Tests includes six sequential events as follows:
Equipment Carry/Vehicle Extrication
Charged Hose Advance
Weighted Sled Pull
Forcible Entry Simulation
Victim Rescue
Ladder Climb

Candidates are given up to six readings for blood pressure and resting heart rate. If after the first reading, your pulse and/or blood pressure exceeds the required level you will be asked to rest in the cafeteria and come back at a specific time. If after six readings, your vitals are still outside of the expected range, you will not be able to continue with your assessment that day. Please contact the OFAI Administration office to re-schedule your assessment at 905-426-6756.
If you do not pass your pre-appraisal screening, this is not considered a fail, it is just not safe to proceed with physical testing on the specific test date.
Please Note: We do not accept doctor’s notes with respect to your blood pressure and/or heart rate. Your readings must be within the expected range during the pre-appraisal screening in order to proceed with the assessment. This is both for your personal safety and the safety of our Clinicians.
Candidates who are pregnant should obtain medical clearance before registering and participating in the Encapsulated Treadmill Test. Please contact the OFAI Administration office for more information.
Once each component of the pre-appraisal screening is successfully completed, the candidate is cleared to participate in the Firefighter Physical Aptitude Job-Related Tests (FPAT).
TEST 1 – Equipment Carry / Vehicle Extrication
The test time begins when you move to pick up the small (20 kg or 44 lb) tool. You will lift and carry the small and then the large (36 kg or 80 lb) tools from the starting point and place them in designated places on the floor 15 m (50’) away.
Next, you will pick up the smaller (20 kg) tool, carry it 7.6 m (25’) and set it down in front of a vehicle door mock-up. The smaller tool must be held in a level position at right angles to the door mock-up with the “jaws” in firm contact with each of three flat metal discs that are similarly oriented to the three “pins” that must be broken to remove a car door. The tool must be held in the correct position for 30 s on each disc. The tool is set down between each hold, and you must stand erect before lifting the tool and moving on to the next point of contact.
After this sequence is completed, you will return both tools to the starting point. The test time stops when you place both feet securely on a rubber mat. The total walking distance is 105 m (345’).
This test evaluates the muscular strength and endurance required to lift, carry and use heavy tools in rescue situations.
In order to pass the test, you must complete all aspects of the simulation safely and with correct form in 3 minutes and 45 seconds or less.

TEST 2 – Charged Hose Advance
From a standing position facing forward, you will bend and pick up a nozzle connected to 3 lengths of charged 44 mm (1.75”) hose. The test time starts when you move to pick up the hose.
Holding the nozzle and hose securely with two hands over the preferred shoulder, you will advance the hose to the finish line. The hose is advanced a distance of 30 m (100’) while walking as quickly as possible (running is not permitted).
The test time stops when you place both feet securely on a rubber mat.
This test assesses lower body strength and power for pulling and dragging. The test must be completed correctly and safely in 27 seconds or less.
TEST 3 – Weighted Sled Pull
Starting from an erect position facing forward, straddling the rope on the floor, you will bend and pick up a length of static 16 mm (5/8”) nylon rope attached to a weighted sled. The test time begins when you begin to reach for the rope.
Keeping your feet securely in place, you will use the rope to pull the sled over the floor a distance of 15.24 m (50’). You will then walk 15.24 m (50’) and repeat the pull, walk back 15.24 m (50’) and repeat the pull for the third and final time.
The test time stops when the sled has completely crossed the line for the third time.
This test assesses upper body strength, power, and endurance for pulling and hoisting. The test must be completed correctly and safely in 1 minute and 50 seconds or less.

TEST 4 – Forcible Entry Simulation
Starting from a standing position, you will pick up the 4.5 kg (10 lb) sledge hammer and use it to strike the mechanically braked target surface of the forcible entry apparatus.
The test clock starts as soon as you reach for the hammer which is standing on the floor directly in front of the apparatus, and stops as soon as a buzzer goes off, indicating the end of the test.
This test assesses muscle strength and power for striking. The test must be completed correctly and safely in 19 seconds or less.
TEST 5 – Victim Rescue
Starting from an erect position, you will bend to grasp a rescue harness and drag a mannequin weighing approximately 83 kg (183 lb) through a simple serpentine obstacle course. You will turn around a traffic cone at 15 m and return to the start for a total distance of 30 m (100′).
The test time starts when you move to pick up the mannequin and ends when the mannequin’s feet are completely across the finish line. No part of your body or the mannequin may touch the traffic cones during the test.
This test assesses upper and lower body muscle strength and endurance for pulling and dragging. The test must be completed correctly and safely in 57 seconds or less

TEST 6 – Ladder Climb
Starting from a standing position facing the ladder, you will climb 10 rungs (3.45 m) up and down a 7.2 m (24’) ladder. This is repeated five times as quickly as possible.
A repetition begins with both feet on the floor at the base of the ladder. You will climb and place two feet on the 10th rung (weight-bearing step is required), reverse direction and climb down until both feet are again on the floor to complete the repetition.
The test time starts when you move to start climbing and ends when both feet are on the floor after the 5th repetition. You must maintain three points of contact on the ladder at all times, and must climb the ladder rung by rung, without missing any of the rungs.
This test evaluates the leg strength and endurance required for climbing under load. The test must be completed correctly and safely in 1 minute and 37 seconds or less.
Important Notes Regarding the FPAT Assessment:
Please refrain from eating large meals or consuming large amount of liquids at least 2-3 hours prior to this assessment. DO NOT drink coffee (no caffeine), energy drinks or alcoholic beverages 12 hours prior to your evaluation. These can elevate your blood pressure and/or heart rate which could lead to the inability to pass your pre-screening leaving you unable to proceed with the assessment. Please note: Delays may occur at any stage of testing so we advise candidates to come prepared with food and water if they feel they will require it throughout the duration of testing. For the purposes of the FPAT Assessment, it is advisable to only consume a small snack and water if required. Avoid all exercise 4 hours prior to this evaluation or intense exercise for 24 hours prior to testing.
Please Note:
If you are also booked for a Stage Three-Firefighter Technical Skills, you will be expected to proceed to this assessment regardless of your outcome on Stage Three- Firefighter Physical Aptitude Job-Related Tests.