Stage Three – Firefighter Technical Skills Assessment
The Firefighter Technical Skills Assessments are based on Bona Fide Occupational Requirements. Each candidate will be given specific instructions and MUST perform each evaluation as per evaluator instructions and in the safest manner possible. Evaluator must ask if candidate would like to read instructions or have instructions read to them. Candidate has a maximum of 5 minutes to review instructions, then candidate must start the evaluation. Candidate may request one re-read of the skill instructions during the evaluation. The time clock will not be stopped during the re-read. If you choose a re-read during your evaluation, you can choose to read the skill yourself, or the evaluator can read it to you. If you choose to have the evaluator read the skill to you, they are only permitted to read the skill in full. At no time will they only read part of the skill.
It is important to note that a re-read will not be taken into consideration in a dispute(i.e., evaluator is not responsible for a failure based on a re-read). The testing grounds can be noisy, making hearing difficult and candidate comprehension can be altered due to the time sensitive nature of the evaluation.
You must pass ALL 6 EVALUATIONS to pass this assessment.
Cost: $270.00 plus HST
Pre-Assessment Guide: Download
The Firefighter Technical Skills are split into two groups of skills, Section One and Section Two. Each section contains three skills for a total of six evolutions. If a candidate fails a skill in one section, they are required to stop that section immediately and move on to challenge the skills in the other section, on the same day.
If one skill is failed in both sections, candidates will be required to re-test the entire Firefighter Technical Skills (Section One & Two) together. If a candidate fails a skill in only one section, then they are only required to re-book the failed section.
If a candidate is unable to pass both sections of the Firefighter Technical Skills within six months, the candidate is required to re-test the entire Firefighter Technical Skills (Section One & Two).
Candidates are given up to six readings for blood pressure and resting heart rate. If after the first reading, your pulse and/or blood pressure exceeds the required level you will be asked to rest in the cafeteria and come back at a specific time. If after six readings, your vitals are still outside of the expected range, you will not be able to continue with your assessment that day. Please contact the OFAI Administration office to re-schedule your assessment at 905-426-6756.
If you do not pass your pre-appraisal screening, this is not considered a fail, it is just not safe to proceed with physical testing on the specific test date.
Please Note: We do not accept doctor’s notes with respect to your blood pressure and/or heart rate. Your readings must be within the expected range during the pre-appraisal screening in order to proceed with the assessment. This is both for your personal safety and the safety of our Clinicians.
Candidates who are pregnant should obtain medical clearance before registering and participating in the Encapsulated Treadmill Test. Please contact the OFAI Administration office for more information.
Once each component of the pre-appraisal screening is successfully completed, the candidate is cleared to participate in the Firefighter Technical Skills Assessments.

Please Note: In order for candidates to be successful in the Firefighter Technical Skills Assessment, some form of formal firefighter training should be completed prior to attempting the six evolutions. This includes, but is not limited to: pre-service, private institution training, and/or volunteer firefighting experience. Firefighter Technical Skills Assessments are based on occupational requirements, with many of the skills coming from NFPA 1001 Level I, Level II, and images/material found in IFSTA’s Essentials of Firefighting and Fire Department Operations (Version 7). Candidates are encouraged to review these materials to ensure they are familiar with the equipment required and instructions for each skill.
Please Also Note: Candidate will be required to perform the evolutions dressed properly in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Candidates may bring their own Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). If you do not have your own, we have many types and sizes available. It will be up to each candidate to ensure they have PPE and that it is donned properly.
It is the responsibility of the candidate to communicate with the evaluator regarding fit of all PPE. You must advise the evaluator of any concerns with your PPE or any other equipment related to your assessment prior to the commencement of your assessment.
You are required to partake in evolutions using SCBA. SCBA will be provided on-site. We do not test candidate knowledge on SCBA. Candidates are encouraged to be clean shaven for this assessment. Facial hair can cause the SCBA mask to have an improper seal leading to air leakage and possible failure of this assessment.
The six evolutions and descriptions are described below. Each evolution has a time limit of 10 minutes.
Stage Three – Firefighter Technical Skills Assessment: Section One
Section One: Claustrophobia Assessment
Don full Personal Protective Equipment including SCBA and a blacked-out face mask.
Approach structure, on air, and enter the structure when advised by evaluator. Navigate your way through the entire maze, passing each obstacle as they are encountered.
You must exit at the point of entry – once you’ve navigated the entire maze.
Remain in a crawl position. Any attempt to stand up, squat, crawl outside of, or remove obstacles while inside maze will constitute a failure.
Partial or full removal of your SCBA is not permitted and will also result in failure.
If you feel uncomfortable inside the maze, please advise your evaluator. The evaluation will end, and it will be considered a failure.
You have 10 minutes to complete this assessment.

Section One: Ropes and Knots
You must be dressed in full PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and SCBA (not on air).
You must demonstrate the proper forming of five knots and explain the fundamental purpose (as described in IFSTA 7) of each knot to the evaluator.
The knots are as follows:
- Overhand Safety
- Clove Hitch
- Figure-Eight
- Figure-Eight on a Bight
- Figure-Eight follow through
The evaluator will prompt you with the knot you must tie, you are not required to memorize this list. You will be advised if you are correct or incorrect after the tying of each knot. If you are incorrect, you must re-attempt creating that knot until you are successful. You must correctly tie and explain all five knots to proceed to the next part of this evaluation.
You will then be required to demonstrate the practical application of two knots in preparation for hoisting equipment. You are not required to hoist the equipment.
The knot applications are as follows:
- Hoisting a Ladder using a Figure-Eight on a Bight, Clove Hitch, and Overhand Safety.
- Hoisting a Power Saw using two Figure-Eight Follow throughs.
Due to the various sequential steps required to complete a finished knot properly, the evaluator will primarily evaluate the finished knot for accurateness compared to the IFSTA 7 Essentials Manual. The completed knots must be identical to the illustrations found in this manual.
You have 10 minutes to complete this assessment.

Section One: Ladder Component Identification and 10M Ladder Climb
You must be dressed in full PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and SCBA (not on air).
You will be required to wear a safety harness for this skill.
You must correctly identify ten components of a roof and extension ladder. These components will be indicated to you by the evaluator. You will have two attempts to correctly identify all ten components. Once you’ve identified all components correctly, the evaluator will allow you to proceed with the remainder of the assessment. If you do not correctly identify all components after two attempts, you will fail the assessment.
When advised to proceed by the evaluator, climb the 10m ladder until you encounter a green taped rung. You will perform the appropriate leg lock and retrieve an axe from the ground. Once you’ve retrieved the axe you will continue to climb the ladder until you reach the red taped rung.
Once you’ve reached the red taped rung, perform a leg lock – left or right is acceptable for this rung. Remove the leg lock and continue climbing up the ladder until you reach the balcony. Place the axe on balcony, safely step off the ladder and onto the balcony, and ring the bell.
Safely climb back onto the ladder, retrieve the axe, and descend until you reach the ground.
You have 10 minutes to complete this assessment.

Stage Three – Firefighter Technical Skills Assessment: Section Two
Section Two: Roof Operations-Inspection Hole
You must be dressed in full PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and SCBA, on air, to perform this skill.
You must take the required equipment up the roof ladder to create an inspection hole on the roof. You must correctly deploy the roof ladder and demonstrate the actions required to determine the roof is safe to work on.
Once positioned on the roof, cut a square inspection hole at the spot indicated by the evaluator following the correct order of cuts. You must cut between the two painted lines and safely remove the entire inner square ONLY. You will advise the evaluator when you have completed cutting your hole and ask the evaluator if you can proceed. If the hole exceeds the outer square, you will automatically fail. If the hole size is too small, the evaluator will allow you to correct the size.
Once the evaluator advises you can proceed, safely climb down the ladder, and return to the ground.
You have 10 minutes to complete this assessment.

Section Two: Hose Connections and Advancing Hose line
You must be dressed in full PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and SCBA (not on air).
Make all connections with the appropriate hoses and appliances provided. You must assemble hoses and appliances safely and properly, as you would on a fire ground.
Install the hydrant gate valve in the correct location.
Establish a water supply from the hydrant with a 100mm hose to the pump panel.
From the pump panel discharge, deploy two lengths of 65mm hose. Attach gated wye and connect two 45mm attack lines.
Connect a nozzle to each 45mm attack line.
You will advise the evaluator when you establish these connections and ask the evaluator if you can proceed.
When the connections are successfully established, the evaluator will allow you to proceed to a separate charged hose. You will fully advance this charged hose three (3) metres (following the technique used in the FPAT) and direct water through the hole in the target.
You have 10 minutes to complete this assessment.

Section Two: 7m One Firefighter Ladder Raise/Roof Ladder Deployment
You must be dressed in full PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and SCBA (not on air).
You will be required to wear a safety harness for this skill.
Using proper lifting techniques, pick up the 7m ladder and perform a one firefighter flat raise, fully extending the ladder.
Once the 7m ladder is correctly in place, the evaluator will inform you if it’s safe to proceed. If the evaluator says “NO” you must make the appropriate corrections to proceed. When advised it is safe to proceed, climb the 7m ladder and deploy the roof ladder safely and correctly.
For safety reasons, you must request the assistance of the evaluation staff to butt and steady the 7m ladder before raising the fly and prior to climbing. These are the only times you can request assistance.
Time will start when the 7m ladder is picked up. Time stops when you and the roof ladder return to the ground.
You have 10 minutes to complete this assessment.